First Look: Fightlite Raptor Belt-Fed Upper

Fightlite Industries has just unveiled its new Raptor Belt Fed upper-receiver system, chambered in 5.56 NATO. Unlike a traditional AR-15-pattern upper-receiver assembly, which uses a direct-gas-impingement system, the new Fightlite Raptor Belt Fed Upper uses its own proprietary piston-actuated gas system and feeds 5.56 NATO cartridges loaded into belts of ammunition connected by M-27 links. These belt links are the same as the military FN M249 light machine gun, which is also chambered for 5.56 NATO. However. Fightlite designed the Raptor Belt Fed Upper to not only fit over any standard spec AR-15 lower receiver, but also feed from standard AR-15-pattern 5.56 NATO detachable-box magazines. The new Fightlite Raptor Belt Fed upper also takes other cues from Fightlite’s flagship AR, the MCR (Mission Configurable Rifle).
“Team FightLite is very excited to bring its new Raptor Belt-Fed upper to market on behalf of our loyal customers and shooting enthusiasts everywhere! When I invented our first belt-fed upper in 1998, I never really considered the longevity of the concept; that being a belt-fed upper that conveniently fits onto any AR15 or M16 lower and that upgrades its firepower to that of the M249 SAW.” says Geoffrey Herring, founder and CEO of ARES Defense and FightLite Industries.
“Over two decades later, demand remains strong and we’ve been manufacturing and shipping variations of our MCR and AMG Dual-Feed products non-stop to prepare US civilians, US government customers, and foreign friendly governments the world over. Experience doesn’t happen in a vacuum and the FightLite design and manufacturing team has accumulated a tremendous amount of knowledge and empirical data related to belt-fed firearm production, performance, and sustainability in the field which has been poured into our exciting new Raptor and its Dual-Feed MCR pedigree.”
Visit to learn more about the Raptor Belt Fed Upper as well as other products from Fightlite.
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