Are People Adequately Prepared For An Upcoming Collapse?

There are signs of an impending economic collapse and yet the government continues to paint a rosy picture of prosperity while pushing inflation to limits. The economy is in far worse shape than most official reports would have the public believe.
Inflation, which has been out of control, is surging once again even though most mainstream media reports declare everything is “fine”. The cost of essential goods like food and housing continues to strain household budgets, forcing many Americans to cut back on basic necessities just to keep the lights on. A recent survey found that over a third of U.S. households have had to reduce spending to afford energy bills. This is not a sign of a healthy economy; it is a symptom of a system in crisis.
The data is telling a tale, and the numbers reveal an economy that is teetering on the edge of disaster. The American people have been misled, and the consequences of this deception will be catastrophic, according to a report by Natural News.
The job market, once a pillar of stability, is now crumbling. The number of job openings in the United States has plummeted to levels not seen in decades. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 7.4 million unfilled jobs at the end of September, a significant drop from the 12 million openings that existed just a few years ago. This decline is particularly alarming in industries that have driven recent job growth, such as healthcare and government. The manufacturing sector, once a backbone of the American economy, has shed 78,000 jobs in the last three months alone. These losses are not isolated incidents; they are part of a broader trend that signals a deepening economic crisis. –Natural News
A “Lockdown Economy” Without The Lockdowns
The state of the economy is far from perfect, and consumers are adding credit card debt at record levels. Gen Z, in particular, is racking up massive amounts of debt to pay for their lifestyle.
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