Prepping & Survival

CDC Says Flu Shots Will Lower Risk Of Bird Flu

The ruling class is doing its best to convince people that injections on command are what’s needed to keep them “healthy.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now going to offer flu to farm workers claiming that they lower the risk of contracting the bird flu.

The CDC is funding a $5 million program to vaccinate livestock industry workers against seasonal flu in a bid to reduce the pandemic risk posed by the ongoing H5N1 bird flu outbreak in cattle. So why do we need new mRNA injections if the flu shots actually work?

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Just like the mRNA COVID shots, the program is starting out as “voluntary.” It will be administered by state and local public health workers and is aimed at getting seasonal flu shots into as many people as possible who are working in proximity to animals such as poultry, cows, or other livestock, that could be infected with H5N1. Nirav Shah, the CDC’s principal deputy director, said there are an estimated 200,000 people officially working in this sector nationwide, though he acknowledged that number doesn’t encompass all people working with these animals.

Who even knew they still made flu vaccines anyway, considering it disappeared once COVID-19 arrived?

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According to a report by STAT News, the H5N1 bird flu could evolve to become a pandemic flu strain one of two ways, by gradually acquiring mutations that give it the ability to easily infect and spread among people, or by swapping genetic material with other flu viruses, such as H3N2 or H1N1, the influenza A viruses that circulate and cause illness during the flu season. This gene swapping, a process called reassortment, can occur when an animal or a person is infected at the same time with two or more flu A viruses.

The CDC claims that by vaccinating farm workers, the chance of “coinfection” with the flu and the bird flu at the same time is lessened. Let’s see how many humans they can convince this time.

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Read the full article here

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