Prepping & Survival

CNN Laments “Conspiracy Theories” Spreading In Aftermath Of Trump Assassination Attempt

Saturday’s shooting at a Donald Trump rally was the first assassination attempt of a United States presidential candidate in the age of social media and because of that, people can more widely express their views, opinions, and “conspiracy” theories as to what happened. But this level of free speech isn’t tolerable in a master/slave relationship like the “citizens” of the U.S. have with their government.

The former president had barely been hit before the internet was abuzz with all sorts of unsubstantiated explanations for what had, or had not, occurred, wrote CNN. Because heaven forbid that humans have the right to question the mainstream media and the masters who rule over them. Why can’t those pesky slaves just believe what the masters’ mouthpieces tell them to and stay in line?

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The ease at which false rumors and conspiracy theories rapidly spread on social media threatens the public’s ability to sort truth from fiction. It sometimes influences their behavior and further divides an already fractured America.

The deluge of disinformation surrounding the Trump shooting shows, once again, that this problem isn’t going away anytime soon. With less than four months until Election Day, the leading social media platforms appear resigned to let the status quo fester. –CNN

People thinking for themselves and formulating their own opinions is not to be accepted in totalitarian regimes hellbent on complete control over the masses.

CNN even came right out and said:

The incident was not staged. The US Secret Service has now described it as an assassination attempt and the Department of Homeland Security has acknowledged it as a “failure” of security. Still, on Monday, the false claim continued to circulate. –CNN

When reading its article, CNN comes off as a petulant child upset that other humans don’t believe the official narrative that it’s pushing.

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Denouncing someone as a conspiracy theorist has been one way the ruling class shuts down those who speak up and speak out against them. In fact, the “fact checkers” are now saying that the ruling class didn’t coin the term to force those with ideas and opinions that run counter to the masters to shut up.

CNN has a solution. And, you guessed it, it’s shorter leashes for the slave class, especially those who don’t particularly want to be slaves in the first place.

The situation calls for more rigorous regulation of social media, said Laura Edelson, an assistant professor of computer science at Northeastern University and the co-director of Cybersecurity for Democracy, but it also offers a lesson for mainstream journalists: Don’t just report what we do know, but also report the outstanding unanswered questions so that the public won’t fill in the gaps with junk information. –CNN

Just take over the narrative and make sure no one has the ability to question the official narrative and that all slaves are properly programmed to accept one message as the ultimate truth. The slaves are not to ask questions. They are to accept the narrative and obey.

The Path To Freedom & Abolishing Slavery

Read the full article here

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