First Look: Galco WalkAbout 3.0 For the Glock G48

The Galco WalkAbout 3.0 holster is now available for the Glock G48 MOS pistol with or without a red-dot sight installed. As part of Galco’s Concealed Carry Lite line of holsters, the WalkAbout 3.0 offers all the benefits of the WalkAbout 2.0 and also work with most pistols with carry-style optical sights, creating a holster that has a combination of high performance, comfort and affordability.
The WalkAbout 3.0’s open top allows for a fast draw, while the reinforced mouth allows a smooth and easy return of the gun to the holster. The WalkAbout 3.0’s belt clips are adjustable for cant, making it suitable for strongside, crossdraw or appendix carry positions.
The WalkAbout 3.0’s attached magazine carrier has a more pronounced angle than previous versions. This angle allows pistols with most carry-style red-dot optics to clear the spare magazine’s floorplate when drawing and has the secondary benefit of allowing a faster draw of the magazine when reloading, especially from the appendix carry position.
The ambidextrous WalkAbout 3.0 is supplied with two types of interchangeable tuckable clips. The first is the UniClip, which is designed to go over the belt but can also work without a belt, opening up new options for concealed carry. The second attachment type is the Ultimate Stealth clip with hook. This unit fits on the trouser waistband, under or behind a belt with just the hook showing for low-profile concealment with a tucked or untucked shirt.
Galco WalkAbout 3.0 Features
- Premium center-cut steerhide
- Metal-reinforced mouth for easy holstering
- Attached spare magazine carrier
- Converts for right- or left-handed use
- Includes two different belt clips
- Adjustable for cant
- UniClip fits belt up to 1¾ inches wide
- Ultimate Stealth clip fits belts of all widths
- Fits most carry-style optics
The WalkAbout 3.0 is available in black and has an MSRP of $59. More information on this holster and other products from Galco is available at
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