Prepping & Survival

German CDC’s COVID Protocols Leaked, Revealing Vaccinated “Suffer More Severely” Than Unvaccinated

This article was originally published by Ethan Huff at Natural News under the title: German CDC’s COVID Protocols Leaked, Revealing Vaccinated “Suffer More Severely” Than Unvaccinated – Masks Caused “Undesirable Side Effects”

Journalist Aya Velazquez has dropped a bombshell about the human genocide that occurred through the unleashing of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines.”

A whistleblower from the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s version of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), provided Velazquez with the unredacted protocols that were enforced during the “pandemic” to basically enslave the world with experimental and extremely deadly chemical injections.

The Robert Koch Institute made the following statements during the “pandemic:”

Jan. 18, 2021: No professional justification for the mask mandate. Masks have undesirable side effects.

Aug. 13, 2021: The “vaccine” fails in 79% of cases.

Aug. 17, 2021: Children are guinea pigs, vaccinated individuals suffer more severely from COVID than unvaccinated individuals.

Oct. 26, 2021: The influenza vaccine does not prevent infection. Let’s not tell people.

Dec. 7, 2022: Unvaccinated individuals are “essentially immune” after a COVID infection. How can we present this graphically so that no one notices?

These are exact quotes as shared by Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) on X. They reveal that government health officials knew from the very beginning before they implemented global medical fascism that none of the forced COVID protocols helped people, but instead hurt them.

(Related: Did you know that excess deaths only started appearing in Germany after COVID-19 injections were unleashed?)

Who really controls the world?

Everything was closely coordinated by an invisible hand throughout the “pandemic,” one that had all politicians, left and right, east and west, under its thumb. Who controls that hand?

Someone, or something, holds so much power over world affairs that it had nearly every key leader and influencer under its spell concerning things like lockdowns and mask and jab mandates. Where did the playbook originate?

Ephesians 2 states that “the prince of the power of the air” is in control of earthly affairs at the current time. And his wicked spirit is working right now in the children of disobedience to bring about his will.

This wicked prince plays both light and dark, Satan and Lucifer, to trick as many as possible into his snare. The conspiracy runs deep, in other words, and those who have figured out the COVID scam are asking the kinds of questions that will eventually expose its deepest, darkest secrets.

On X, Stefan Homburg (@SHomburg) responded to Dr. Goddek about the March 25, 2020, protocol in which the Robert Koch Institute hid favorable trends from the public in order to prolong the lockdown for as long as possible.

America’s own CDC continues to double down on its version of the COVID protocols, which are based on fear and paranoia about floating viruses that can supposedly be stopped by covering your mouth and nose with cloth and taking experimental chemical injections for the rest of your life.


Someone else on X noted that the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its Young Global Leaders program is a funnel for teaching the world’s emerging leadership generation a unified globalist approach to “pandemics,” which explains how and why they all march in lockstep no matter where they lead.

“These are the people who control the CDC, FDA, WHO, DOD, NIH, FBI, CIA, DOJ, and DHS,” wrote another. “Bill Gates is one of the people using his power, wealth, and blackmail to control America and other countries.”


It is never a good idea to get jabbed by the government for COVID-19 (or any other disease). Find out more at

Read the full article here

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