Infectious Disease “Experts”: Bird Feces In The Wind Could Spread Avian Influenza

Infectious disease “experts” in Minnesota are now claiming that “windblown” bird feces could spread the H5N1 avian influenza. Dr. Michael Osterholm hosts a podcast at the University of Minnesota called “Osterholm Update,” where he discusses the latest outbreaks and says that the wind picked up particles of the infected feces, spreading the bird flu virus.
Osterholm is an establishment “doctor,” and a Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, or CIDRAP, at the University of Minnesota. Osterholm has nearly 50 years of investigating infectious disease outbreaks and public health threats. According to Osterholm, there have been an additional 89 confirmed flocks with high-path avian influenza (HPAI) within the last 30 days alone. The affected area includes Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, California, New York, Minnesota, and Maryland.
According to a report by CBS News, Osterholm says that the primary kind of birds impacted by the flu is migratory waterfowl, like geese and ducks, and these birds often hang out in farm fields where they defecate. Then, the wind picks up particles of the infected feces, spreading the virus far and wide. Osterholm claims that it is easy for “infected winds” to reach the barns of poultry farms, infecting the entire flock.
“Today, I am certain that we are seeing clouds of dust with bird feces in that, and we are beginning to see what I would consider to be almost an environmental type disease, similar to the transmission that we see with Coccidioidomycosis, what we call Valley fever, where in fact that’s a fungus that grows in the environment. And then, on windy days, it blows with the dust, and you inhale it. I think we’re going to see the same thing with H5N1. That’s why so many of these barns are now positive,” said Osterholm on his podcast.
Osterholm says that the virus is now “airborne” thanks to the flying feces, and we are going to now see more human cases with “no explanation.” This means people are going to start getting sick after having no contract with sick birds.
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