
Military families to see drop in Tricare dental premiums

Military families will soon see their monthly Tricare dental premiums drop by a few dollars as the new Tricare Dental Program contract takes effect, with some active-duty families seeing their premiums drop by nearly one-third.

While many beneficiaries will see a small decrease in their premiums, the biggest changes affect active-duty families and certain Reserve members and their families in pay grades E-4 and below. Active duty families in those ranks with more than one family member insured will see a drop of 29%, from $31.46 to $22.48, a difference of $8.98. Previous rates didn’t vary by rank.

The new monthly rates take effect March 1, but families will see the change in their February bill because it’s a pay-ahead program. The February bill covers March coverage. Reductions, which depend on service members’ status, rank and enrollment type, range from $0.57 to $8.98 a month, compared to the previous rates that were implemented in November, which also reflected reductions.

The program is a voluntary dental plan available to active-duty family members, National Guard and Reserve members and their family members. Those eligible can enroll at any time.

In addition to monthly premiums, beneficiaries also pay co-payments for certain services, which have remained the same under the new contract, such as 20% for basic restorative services. There is no co-pay for diagnostic and preventive services, and there is no annual deductible.

The program also now offers more dentists, including specialists, closer to beneficiaries, according to Tricare officials. It also allows those covered to have online appointments with dentists for checkups, planning care and other basic services.

United Concordia will continue to administer the Tricare Dental Program. These rates are effective through Feb. 28, 2026.

United Concordia has dentists in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Beneficiaries overseas can also search for a provider in their country in United Concordia’s online list of Tricare OCONUS Preferred Dentists.

Tricare dental coverage, which is separate from Tricare medical coverage, requires separate enrollment.

Active-duty members receive most of their dental care at military clinics under the Active Duty Dental Program.

New monthly rates for the Tricare Dental Program

Active-duty families, E-4 and below

  • Sponsor only: Doesn’t apply
  • One family member: $8.65; down from $12.10
  • More than one family member: $22.48; down from $31.46

Active-duty families, E-5 and above

  • Sponsor only: Doesn’t apply
  • One family member: $11.53; down from $12.10.
  • More than one family member: $29.98; down from $31.46

Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve (mobilization), E-4 and below

  • Sponsor only: $8.65; down from $12.10
  • One family member: $28.82; down from $30.25
  • Family: $74.94; down from $78.64
  • Sponsor and family: $83.59; down from $90.74

Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve (mobilization), E-5 and above

  • Sponsor only: $11.53; down from $12.10
  • One family member: $28.82; down from $30.25
  • Family: $74.94; down from $78.64
  • Sponsor and family: $86.47; down from $90.74

Individual Ready Reserve (nonmobilization)

  • Sponsor only: $28.82; down from $30.25
  • One family member: $28.82; down from $30.25
  • Family: $74.94; down from $78.64
  • Sponsor and family: $103.76; down from $108.89

Karen has covered military families, quality of life and consumer issues for Military Times for more than 30 years, and is co-author of a chapter on media coverage of military families in the book “A Battle Plan for Supporting Military Families.” She previously worked for newspapers in Guam, Norfolk, Jacksonville, Fla., and Athens, Ga.

Read the full article here

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